Thursday, March 27, 2008

From Chairperson's Desk

We will continue updating you on our monthly deriberations, as for our last meeting, the following was agreed;

1. To purchase the Safarico IPO using Discount Securities, Intrenational Life house, 1st Floor

2. To open the Groups account, reseach is beind done by an appointed committee which will advise the next meeting on the best bank to use.

3. An Emergency funds standing committee was appointed to develop and

4. Another committee was appointed to carry out a census on the AARONs potential members and form the AARONs family tree. Also dont forget that we agreed at the AGM at Naivasha that this years AGM may be held at the Coast.

E. Njuri
Group Chairman

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Being Effective in our changing world - Part 1

This is a collection of ideas and information read or comtemplated that have changed my life, and continue to do so in a profound manner. I would like to share these ideas with you.

This is the power of imagination. Albert Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Perhaps the most important vision of all is to develop a sense of self, a sense of your own destiny, a sense of your unique mission and role in life, a sense of purpose and meaning. Vision is seeing the future state with one's mind. All things are created twice: First a mental creation; second, a physical creation. The vision creates the dynamics or the process of reinventing oneself or an organization reinventing itself. It represents desire, dreams, hopes, goals and plans.
When testing your own personal vision first ask yourself: Does the vision tap into my voice, my unique talent, my energy? Does it give me a sense of calling, a cause worth my commitment?
Aquiring such meaning requires profound personal reflection, asking deep questions and envisioning.
Vision does not only entail seeing a changed or different state of affair, but also seeing people through the lens of their potential and their best actions, rather than through the lense of their current behaviour or weaknessess. There is great power in viewing people separately from their behavior, for as we do, we affirm their fundamental, unconditional worth. When we perceive and acknowledge the potential of others, it is as if we hold up and mirror to them reflecting the best within them. When people behave far below their potential, our affirming attitude and words become "That's not like you"


Discipline represents the second creation. It's the executing, the making it happen, the sacrifice entailed in doing whatever it takes to realise that vision. Discipline is willpower embodied. A swede Dag Hammarskjold once said
"When the morning freshness has been replaced by the weariness of midday, whe the leg muscles quiver under the strain, the climb seems endless, and suddenly, nothing will go as you wish - It is then that you must not hesitate"
Discipline brings freedom. Only the disciplined are trully free. The undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites and passion.
Discipline also begets happiness. Show me happy people and I'll show you disciplined people. This is the ability to make promises and keep them. First to onself, and then, to others. For example, Can you play a piano? Not really, I have never disciplined myself to do it. I do not have the joy and happiness and freedom that comes with the mastery to playing the piano...
Discipline is a trait common to all successful people. A guy by the name of albert Gray spent a lifetime studying the demonimator of successful people and he came to this conclusion. The successful have formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do. It does not mean that the successful like doing them either, but their dislike is subordinated by the strength of their purpose.
Generally, people who spend their time making excuses are those who lack focus and discipine. Setbacks are inevitable, misery is a choice. There are always reasons, never an excuse.


Passion comes from the heart and is manufest as optimism, excitment, emotional connection, determination. It fires unrelenting drive. Ethuthiasm is deeply rooted in the power of choice rather than circumstances. Ethusiasts believe that the best way to predict the future is to create it. You make yourself part of the solution, rather than part of the problem of feeling essentially hopeless and helpless.
Aristotle said "Where the talents and the needs of the world cross, therein lies your vocation"
We could say, therein lies your passion, your voice.
The key to creating passion in your life is to find your unique talents and your special role and purpose in the world. It is essential to know yourself before you decide what work you want to do. Once mission in life is usually detected more than invented.
Courage is the essence of passion. The great contributors in life are those who, though afraid of the knock at the door, still answer it.
There is a misconception that a person's skill is their talent. Skills, however are not talents. Talents, on the other hand require skills. People can have skills and knowledge in an area where their talents do not lie. However, you you hire people whose passion intersects with their jobs, they won't require any supervision. Their fire comes from within , not from without. Their motivation is internal, not external.

These are the three virtues that govern greatness. One more thing to mention.

We are have thoughts and thought patterns that govern our minds. Some are just ideas in flights, others are deep rooted within our thinking process. These thoughts govern our destiny. In my experience, this is the greatest battlefield of all times. You MUST gain control over the patterns that govern your mind: your worldview, your beliefs about what you deserve and about what is possible. This is the zone that changes everything.
Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, takes off your relish of spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of body over mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem in itself.

Your comments and views and are highly appreciated.

Mwangi Njagi
Member - Aaron's Group

You matter.. more than you can think....

There is one fascinating person that has forever remained ingrained in my memory. He has a style of his own. When given the opportunity to express himself on a certain idea , his style just blows the ordinary away and it brings the extra-ordinary era. It never siezed to amaze me the prowless oratory abilities of one of us, Hilary Mwangi.

I had an opportunity to hear this young guy speak whilst at Ebenezer during one of the morning assemblies. He would take an illustration, craft it, then beautifully blend it into the message of the day, a style that only a masterful artist can do. He was barely 18 at that time, but his skill took my breath away. One particular morning sermon, he illustrated how birds in scandinavia flew thousands of miles across the oceans to breed in a completely new enviroment, due to weather. He then took this nature wonder and blended it with the message of how resiliency always pays off in life. I must admit that I can hardly remember any messages taught and preached during those days at Ebenezer, but this guy's speeches caught my attention and remained within me forever.

I think that is why I have been inspired to start this blog. I have come to realise that what is before us , what is behind us and what is around us pales in comparison to what is within us. The power to express our thoughts, ideas, dreams, hopes in the context of meeting the needs of the world around us, I believe, needs to to be epitomised in a formal ,organized manner. Although emails work pretty effectively, the beautiful ideas get bogged and forgotten in the midst of thousands of newer emails and spam that we recieve on daily basis.

I have watched as the aaron's group grow from just an idea, broke the walls of cynicism, got a framework and a skeleton of it's own by the efforts, passion, contributions and endless dedication of almost all parties. It is with this spirit, that we will be able to air our views, our dreams, our ideas, our skills in this forum so as to leave a lasting impact in our generation...

It is with this hope that we will step out and announce to the world that we have more than just ideas to offer.

Long live Aaron's group, Long live the memory of our Guka!!!!