Sunday, March 16, 2008

You matter.. more than you can think....

There is one fascinating person that has forever remained ingrained in my memory. He has a style of his own. When given the opportunity to express himself on a certain idea , his style just blows the ordinary away and it brings the extra-ordinary era. It never siezed to amaze me the prowless oratory abilities of one of us, Hilary Mwangi.

I had an opportunity to hear this young guy speak whilst at Ebenezer during one of the morning assemblies. He would take an illustration, craft it, then beautifully blend it into the message of the day, a style that only a masterful artist can do. He was barely 18 at that time, but his skill took my breath away. One particular morning sermon, he illustrated how birds in scandinavia flew thousands of miles across the oceans to breed in a completely new enviroment, due to weather. He then took this nature wonder and blended it with the message of how resiliency always pays off in life. I must admit that I can hardly remember any messages taught and preached during those days at Ebenezer, but this guy's speeches caught my attention and remained within me forever.

I think that is why I have been inspired to start this blog. I have come to realise that what is before us , what is behind us and what is around us pales in comparison to what is within us. The power to express our thoughts, ideas, dreams, hopes in the context of meeting the needs of the world around us, I believe, needs to to be epitomised in a formal ,organized manner. Although emails work pretty effectively, the beautiful ideas get bogged and forgotten in the midst of thousands of newer emails and spam that we recieve on daily basis.

I have watched as the aaron's group grow from just an idea, broke the walls of cynicism, got a framework and a skeleton of it's own by the efforts, passion, contributions and endless dedication of almost all parties. It is with this spirit, that we will be able to air our views, our dreams, our ideas, our skills in this forum so as to leave a lasting impact in our generation...

It is with this hope that we will step out and announce to the world that we have more than just ideas to offer.

Long live Aaron's group, Long live the memory of our Guka!!!!


Erick said...

Hello, and thanks for your inspiring message, but i would also like to know who you are and your relationship to the Aarrons Group.

aaronsgroup said...

ooh, This is Mwangi wa Njagi. Sorry for the lack of introduction into this blog.